Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sayonara Athens (emal draobyek sdrawkcab)

(This is the corrected version of the backwards post)
First of all this keyboard types backwards for some reason. Well we're about to go eat lunch with Daniel and Katie. All we have to do after that is head down to Mike's. That's all I'm typing now because typing backwards is too annoying. Much love all.

Justin Much love all. That's all I'm typing now because typing backwards is too annoying. All we have to do after that is head down to Mike's. Well we're about to go eat lunch with Daniel and Katie .nosaer emos rof sdrawkcab sepyt draobyek siht lla fo tsriF

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys! Y'all are going to be amazing. I am so excited for you and the summer ahead of you. Love each other and Love the Lord. He has great things for you!
    Rachel Newsome
